We are True Believers

We are True Believers

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hastings College student makes a miracle recovery

By Katie Ferrell - Every year around 37,000 people are killed in car crashes.

A Hastings College student came close to becoming part of that statistic.

He crashed his car earlier this year...ending up in a coma.

Tonight in your family healthcast...News 5's Katie Ferrell tells us about his recovery and why his parents are calling it a miracle.

This is 22 year old Jason Kort a little less than 3 months ago.

"He had 6 broken ribs on his left side, his left lung was completely collapsed and his right one was deflating at that time, severe head trauma,” said Mike Kort, Jason’s dad.

A car accident on February 1st left him in a coma with a traumatic brain injury. Doctors feared he may never wake up and had little hope for a full recovery.

"We had no clue how long he would be in a coma like that. They told us it could be 3 months, it could be 6 months, he could never wake up,” said Mike.

But, this is Jason now.

A miraculous comeback his parents or doctors can not explain...After 10 days in a coma, Jason opened his eyes.

"To be honest I think I broke down and cried."

He spent 5 more weeks at 2 Lincoln Hospitals.

He has no memory of why he crashed or even most of his time in the hospital.

"I do not really remember what I did the day of the accident, I do not remember that too well,” said Jason Kort.

His only memory...a day his parents and doctors did not know he would see.

"I would say the best memory I have of being in the hospital was on my birthday, I was in the hospital for my 22nd birthday so I can remember that day."

The only physical reminders of the accident are not from the accident at all. A blood clot forced doctors to remove part of his thumb, an allergic reaction caused a slight burn on his arm and where a breathing tube once was, a small scar.

Jason calls himself lucky and said he is looking toward the future.

"Just getting back to using my hand would be the main thing and getting back the use of my thumb would be another,” said Jason.

Jason's Dr. tells the family he has no medical answers for how he has recovered so fully and quickly.

Jason's dad has his own theory.

"I looked at him and I pointed up to the heavens that was my answer... It is a miracle that is how I look at it,” said Mike.

Mike said a Lincoln nurse told him she had never seen a patient with so many visitors.

The Kort's said they attribute Jason's recovery to the prayer's and support of their family, friends and community.

Jason has only 2 weeks left of therapy in Lincoln.

He plans to go back to college in Hastings this Summer.

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